Status for: $FLAVOR

[ Gravatar ] Flavor description: in the name
Uniq ID     : 20150408-13424
Flavor      : slitaz-slitaz-webserver-core
Packages    : 42 in list - 0 installed
Rootfs size : 52.4M
ISO size    : 4.0K
[ iso ] Download ISO: slitaz-slitaz-webserver-core.iso [ md5 ]
[ tarball ] Download tarball: slitaz-slitaz-webserver-core.tar.bz2 - Flavor file: slitaz-slitaz-webserver-core.flavor - Browse the flavor

Distro log

Build time      : 40s ~ 1m
Receipt created : 2015-04-08 17:43
Flavor packed   : 2015-04-08 17:55
2015-04-08 18:00-slitaz-slitaz-webserver-core : Build started 

Creating flavor slitaz-slitaz-webserver-core...                           OK

Preparing slitaz-slitaz-webserver-core distro flavor
Cleaning /home/slitaz/distro...                                           OK
Extracting flavor slitaz-slitaz-webserver-core.flavor...                  OK
Creating distro-packages.list...                                          OK
Adding rootcd files...                                                    OK
Updating tazlito.conf...                                                  OK
Flavor is ready to be generated by: tazlito gen-distro

Tazlito generating a distro
Preparing the rootfs directory...
Installing package: attr-2.4.46.tazpkg                                    OK
Installing package: busybox-1.18.4.tazpkg                                 OK
Installing package: bzlib-1.0.6.tazpkg                                    OK
Installing package: cookutils-1.8.tazpkg                                  OK
Installing package: dialog-1.1-20110707.tazpkg                            OK
Installing package: dropbear-2011.54.tazpkg                               OK
Installing package: e2fsprogs-1.41.14.tazpkg                              OK
Installing package: gcc-lib-base-4.5.2.tazpkg                             OK
Installing package: glibc-base-2.13.tazpkg                                OK
Installing package: gpxe-0.9.3.tazpkg                                     OK
Installing package: grub4dos-linux-0.4.4.tazpkg                           OK
Installing package: isapnptools-1.27.tazpkg                               OK
Installing package: kbd-base-1.15.3.tazpkg                                OK
Installing package: libcap-2.19.tazpkg                                    OK
Installing package: linux-2.6.37.tazpkg                                   OK
Installing package: lzlib-4.57.tazpkg                                     OK
Installing package: lzma-4.57.tazpkg                                      OK
Installing package: pcmciautils-018.tazpkg                                OK
Installing package: posixovl-1.2.tazpkg                                   OK
Installing package: ppp-2.4.5.tazpkg                                      OK
Installing package: rp-pppoe-3.10.tazpkg                                  OK
Installing package: slitaz-base-files-4.6.tazpkg                          OK
Installing package: slitaz-boot-scripts-4.7.2.tazpkg                      OK
Installing package: slitaz-tools-4.9.1.tazpkg                             OK
Installing package: sysfsutils-2.1.0.tazpkg                               OK
Installing package: syslinux-4.05.tazpkg                                  OK
Installing package: syslinux-extra-4.05.tazpkg                            OK
Installing package: tazlito-4.6.2.tazpkg                                  OK
Installing package: tazpkg-4.9.2.tazpkg                                   OK
Installing package: tazusb-4.1.tazpkg                                     OK
Installing package: udev-170.tazpkg                                       OK
Installing package: zlib-1.2.6.tazpkg                                     OK
Installing package: ncurses-common-5.9.tazpkg                             OK
Installing package: ethtool-2.6.38.tazpkg                                 OK
Installing package: bridge-utils-1.5.tazpkg                               OK
Installing package: vim-tiny-7.3.tazpkg                                   OK
Installing package: thttpd-2.25b.tazpkg                                   OK
Installing package: testdisk-6.13.tazpkg                                  OK
Installing package: tazwikiss-1.4.tazpkg                                  OK
Installing package: links-2.4.tazpkg                                      OK
Root filesystem is generated...                                           OK
Preparing the rootcd directory...                                         OK
Moving the boot directory...                                              OK
Copying addfiles content to the rootcd...                                 OK
289551 bytes saved in duplicate files.
Generating lzma'ed initramfs... 
Filesystem size:    13.3M    

Computing md5...                                                          OK

Generating ISO image
Generating slitaz-slitaz-webserver-core.iso
genisoimage: Volume ID string too long
Creating hybrid ISO...usage: /usr/bin/isohybrid [options] isoimage
	-h 		Number of default geometry heads
	-s 		Number of default geometry sectors
	-e --entry	Specify partition entry number (1-4)
	-o --offset	Specify partition offset (default 0)
	-t --type	Specify partition type (default 0x17)
	-i --id		Specify MBR ID (default random)
	--forcehd0	Assume we are loaded as disk ID 0
	--ctrlhd0	Assume disk ID 0 if the Ctrl key is pressed
	--partok	Allow booting from within a partition
	--always	Do not abort on errors
Storing ISO info...                                                       OK
Creating the ISO md5sum...                                                OK

Distro statistics (/home/slitaz/distro)
Build time      : 40s ~ 1m
Build date      : 20150408
Packages        : 66
Rootfs size     : 52.4M
Initramfs size  : 13.3M
ISO image size  : 4.0K
Image is ready: slitaz-slitaz-webserver-core.iso

2015-04-08 18:00 : Build ended for slitaz-slitaz-webserver-core